So how to generate a cross tab report in just one line of SQL? The idea is to split columns with "CASE" and group rows with "GROUP BY ROLLUP(name)" and decorate the result with "DECODE(GROUPING(name), 1, 'Total', name)".
Here's an Example:
We have a log table:
SQL> select page "Page", brws_type "Browser" from visit_table;
Page Browser
--------------- ----------
index.htm FF
index.htm IE
index.htm IE
page1.htm FF
page2.htm FF
page3.htm FF
about.htm FF
about.htm SF
index.htm SF
index.htm SF
index.htm FF
Page Browser
--------------- ----------
page2.htm IE
page2.htm IE
contact.htm IE
contact.htm SF
page3.htm SF
And now comes the query for cross-tabular report.
SQL> SELECT DECODE(GROUPING(page), 1, 'All pages', page) "Pages",
COUNT(CASE WHEN brws_type='FF' THEN 1 ELSE null END) "Firefox",
COUNT(CASE WHEN brws_type='IE' THEN 1 ELSE null END) "Internet Explorer",
COUNT(CASE WHEN brws_type='SF' THEN 1 ELSE null END) "Safari",
COUNT(*) count
FROM visit_table
ORDER BY count desc;
Pages Firefox Internet Explorer Safari COUNT
--------------- ---------- ----------------- ---------- ----------
All pages 6 5 5 16
index.htm 2 2 2 6
page2.htm 1 2 0 3
about.htm 1 0 1 2
contact.htm 0 1 1 2
page3.htm 1 0 1 2
page1.htm 1 0 0 1
COUNT(CASE WHEN brws_type='FF' THEN 1 ELSE null END) "Firefox",
COUNT(CASE WHEN brws_type='IE' THEN 1 ELSE null END) "Internet Explorer",
COUNT(CASE WHEN brws_type='SF' THEN 1 ELSE null END) "Safari",
COUNT(*) count
FROM visit_table
ORDER BY count desc;
Pages Firefox Internet Explorer Safari COUNT
--------------- ---------- ----------------- ---------- ----------
All pages 6 5 5 16
index.htm 2 2 2 6
page2.htm 1 2 0 3
about.htm 1 0 1 2
contact.htm 0 1 1 2
page3.htm 1 0 1 2
page1.htm 1 0 0 1
SQL is a powerful language.
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